Managing your debt
Combine all your smaller loans or accounts into one monthly installment
Not looking forward to the end of the month because of those piles of bills in the mailbox? You now have the option to repay all your expenses such as personal loans, store cards and credit cards under one consolidated loan.
A Debt consolidation loan is taken out to pay off several other smaller loans. This will assist if you are battling to manage all your loans and debt, in arrears with your accounts and / or been listed on the credit bureau.
Debt consolidation benefits
Pay one monthly instalment
Other loans are paid off, so you have a good credit record
Save money through less fees, service charges and debit order charges
Convenience of only servicing one loan opposed to multiple accounts
Overall lower monthly repayment instalment
Contact our call centre on 0860 992 998 or leave your details, and we’ll contact you.